Acabou o semestre.... ACABOU!
Férias, NEM UM LIVRO, nenhuma matéria chata... só: FÉRIAS!
Férias, NEM UM LIVRO, nenhuma matéria chata... só: FÉRIAS!
Isso é um perigo, a gente passa mais tempo ocupando a cabeça com aquilo que, outrora ficava em segundo plano - ou pelo menos as obrigações nos faziam pensar assim - "welcome to the world, grab a spoom" (GELLER, Monica -1999)
F.R.I.E.N.D.S - pilot episode.
Boas férias a todos!
Música de hoje:
Good Enough
Composição: Indisponível
It seems the more we talk
Composição: Indisponível
It seems the more we talk
The less I have to say
Let’s put our differences aside
I wanted to make you proud
But I just got in your way
I found a place where I can hide
Now everything is changing
But I still feel the same
We’re running out of time
What do I have to do
To try to make you see
That this is who I am
And its all that I can be
I tried to find myself
Looking inside your eyes
You were all that I was meant to be
There must be something else
Behind all the lies
That you have lead me to believe
Now everyone is saying
That I should find a way
To leave it all behind
And I won't let you go
And I won't let you down
I won't give you up
Don't you give up on me now
What do I have to do
To try to make you see
That this is who I am
It's all that I can be
2 comentários:
nossa, essa música é linda demais... lifehouse é mto bom!
"I tried to find myself
Looking inside your eyes
You were all that I was meant to be
There must be something else
Behind all the lies
That you have lead me to believe"
well, I guess we have something in common... essa parte é simplesmente muito foda.
e qto à carência, acredite, "the more you know who you are and what you want, the less you let things upset you", my dear new fried. carência é uma dessas coisas que vão ficando pra trás com o tempo, qdo tu finalmente te der conta MESMO de quem és, não vais precisar de alguém te dizendo como tu és foda. enquanto isso, eu estou aqui :)
e depois também.
opa, esqueci de logar. o comentário anterior é meu, claro :D
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